Monday, March 31, 2014

Life Of a Preachers Daughter Blog

For today's "Life Of a Preachers Daughter Blog" 

I want to talk about being in the 75% bracket of over weight woman

I used to be so insecure with the way I look and at times I would just hide myself from the world outside.
I never wanted to show or tell anyone about the way I feel or felt but I now know that not talking about it only brings me to the realization that I couldn't control it.  
Some days
I think I have a handle on it but then other days it's like hitting a brick wall. I have tried so many things, gimmicks, diet pills to keep a handle on it. I even went as far as going to a diet place (I won't say where) and payed ALOT of money, and in doing so I lost about 10 Pounds and then gained it all back and then some,,,,,
Looking back ,
on that time of my life and all the struggles that have come my way and continue to come my way, I will never give up on myself no matter what ales me. Doing all the gimmicks and other things, I never realized that I was doing it all wrong and giving my body injustice by going in the wrong directions. I don't know how long it will take me to lose but I do know that the older I get the harder it is to lose the weight.
If you
are in some form of the 75% as well and you think you are doing it right I applauded you for trying.
My number one rule in this life is,
I just wanted to share with you
how I'm feeling today in the LIfe Of a Preachers Daughter blog.
This is only my thoughts and of my life.
I hope that however you are feeling today that you are happy and healthy.
God Bless and Peace be with you!
Lace Tomus

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